Friday, October 15, 2010

!!!Fun Fares!!!

Hello beautiful people!

As I promised, here's the link to find incredibly cheap coaches that run all around UK:

I'm personally going to get my edinburgh-london ticket for £12,50!!!

Be careful - when you select the date, you will be directed to another page when you should re-select the option "funfares" as it will show also the ordinary fare. Make sure you select your preferred option!!

NB Funfares are available online only - so don't waste your time going to offices :-/
NB2  Funfares are limited in quatity! So get your tickets as soon as you can!

NB3 Even if you end up unable to get your funfare ticket because you just didn't realise it's late, don't worry - even the ordinary fare is reasonable. And of course, keep checking this blog: I'll be posting some more ways to travel green and cheap!

Go Green!!

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