Carbon Footprint

 What IS carbon footprint actually? 

Well, basically is a measure of all greenhouse gases a specified entity (eg an individual, a factory, a country) produces in a specified amount of time (a day, a year, a lifetime etc), and has units of tonnes (or kg) of carbon dioxide equivalent.

Thus, the carbon footprint is a measure of how much we affect the environment, and particularly climate change, through our lifestyle. It consider the effect of using a car, flying, but also eating habits and leisure.
Working toward a  lowering of our carbon footprint means taking a step forward a cleaner, greener and healthier world. It implies taking responsibilities for our behaviour, and it rewards us with the knowledge of being more sustainable.

There are many websites that will allow you to calculate your carbon footprint and give you some tips on how to reduce it. You may want to check out:

The main aim of this blog is, in fact, to help you lower your carbon footprint!
A big share of a person carbon footprint is indeed about his/her travelling habits - especially if he/she travels by plane a lot!  For more information about this, see the other pages!