Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hello everyone!!

I hope you had a pleasant Christmas break! Moreover, hopefully exams haven’t destroyed you - or maybe they did, but the first bit of intersemester break should have given you the opportunity to rest properly, so… here I am, to suggest you a few things you may want to do during the last few days of holiday!!

Did you know there is a botanic garden  in St Andrews?? Well, if yes, did you pay it a visit?
You really should :-P  I went there a couple of days ago and enjoyed it a lot! It is not a big garden, but it is peaceful and cute and there are a fair number of very weird plants to enjoy.
The “hard” bit may be to actually get there. The following link will direct you to a map.
If you want to be more adventurous, just get yourself to Argyle Street where you fill find some road signals showing – just keep following them =)

If you’d like something bigger and fancier the Tentsmuir forest is just a few miles away!
It is easily reachable by bike. Otherwise, you can get a bus to Tayport and then reach the northern entrance by foot.

If your passion is hillwalking, I have the perfect website for you:
in the top right corner, click on “find a walk” to specify your requirements and get the most appropriate walk to your needs.
A personal suggestion: do take the time to walk along the coastal path! There are more views past Albany Park – to be totally honest, the path gets a bit muddy and wilder, however, there are some very nice spots – not to be missed. Really. 

Happy walking!

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